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My best friend

By: Catalina Lora 10ºB

To start this writing, I want to ask you, do you have a best friend? And if you have one, have you had to separate from them for more than a year? Never mind, if you have not, in this writing I want to tell you how I met Cata and why I love her so much.

At the end of 5th grade, I was lining up with another friend to get lunch; we had been having problems for a long time and the relationship was increasingly tense. The thing is that when we sat to start eating, we began talking and for some reason we ended up fighting about how we hated our friendship. We both started crying and screaming loudly; two girls from our school had to separate us. I was confused, and Cata took me to talk to the school’s psychologist and waited for me outside of her office. When I left, she asked me if I was okay, I answered, “yes, don't worry, I am fine”. In that way we began being friends. I discovered that her name was the same as mine “Cata”, that she was younger than me, along with other things. We started hanging out outside of school; I invited her to my house, and she invited me to hers. Also, at school we were inseparable. She helped me with things I didn't understand from school and also personal problems. 

      For example: In this photo I was sad for some reason; I don't remember why exactly. During this time, we had class, but do you think she cared? She sat down and talked to me. Finally, we went to class, yes of course we were scolded, but happy. 

       Another reason why I love Cata is that I have to confess that I bothered her a lot, but in a fun way. At first Cata was quite annoyed with me, but then she understood that it's part of my personality and that I didn't do it in an offensive way. That's why she started laughing with me. We also started doing incredible activities together. For example, in 5th grade we did an observatory, sleepovers and many other things. The activity that I remember the most is in 8th grade, when we had to jump from a high rock to end up in water (obviously I was scared because I hate heights), so I jumped, but in a terrible way. Therefore, all my skin was red, and Cata was making fun of me. I enjoyed it. 

       Cata has taught me many things. For example, to trust in myself, to be more persistent, to strive for what I want, etc. She is the kind of person who doesn't brag to you about her achievements but shows you that you are capable and helps you achieve your goals. In our recess time we would spend a lot of time studying for subjects that I didn't understand, teachers also saw us and sat with us to solve our doubts. I improved a lot in school when we did that. Also, she invited me to her house to study when an evaluation or quiz was coming up. When we were in a bad mood, we did two things. First of all we bought candy at the store and then we went to see our friend called “ pachita”. I know that most of the people that are reading this know her. She was our antidepressant, we spent the recess with her and taught her some tricks or played with her. 

      I would be lying to you if I told you that I am the only one who cares for Cata. In school most of the people love her. People are constantly searching for her, to give them advice, to help them with something or to give them food from her magical lunch box, which was always at order for everyone. Every time I think someone talked to her, they would receive a smile; I always admired her for that. It didn't matter that her life was not going in the best way, she will always want the best for others. 


Finally, to end this writing I wanted to say that everything has changed a bit. All began at the end of 9th grade, we both got into a huge problem with school. It was bad because it was the first time I heard Cata cry that much. I am not saying that I haven't heard her cry, but this time it was worse. We felt that everyone was hating us at that moment. We managed to stay together, and I supported her all the time like she supported me. Finally, she left school and quarantine began. I am glad, because she is happy in her new school; she told me that she likes the people and that she feels calm.  I really love that, but I can't deny that I miss her. Not seeing a person as important as her for more than a year is difficult. That's why I am writing this. If you have the possibility to see your best friend, to spend time with him/her/them; please value it. People can be with us for today, but tomorrow who knows. Don't wait for more people to come into your life and focus on the ones you have by your side today. People arrive when they have to not when you want to.

My best friend: Texto
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