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Criatura marina

The marvels of the ocean: A guide on  how to care for them

By: Sofia Prada
11 B

The ocean: a humongous ecosystem whose content we don't really know of. Scientists estimate that 95% of the ocean remains unexplored and that 91% of its species are yet to be classified. However, the 5% we know of is something we all marvel at. Dolphins, sharks, otters, sea lions, golden fish, corals: nature is miraculous. Just as its extent, the importance of the ocean is unmeasurable. It is responsible for the absorption of 40% of CO2 emissions, greatly contributing to the decrease of the greenhouse effect. What would we do without it! You may be wondering, what are we doing to take care of all this? In reality, not much. Here are some ways you can contribute to the maintenance of this wonderful ecosystem.

  1. Make sustainable seafood choices

Global fish populations are rapidly being depleted due to demand, loss of habitat, and unsustainable fishing practices. Industrial fishing is known to be abrasive towards all ocean life. Big nets are used to capture the biggest number of fish possible, taking dolphins and sharks and damaging corals while doing so. Two thirds of fishing all around the world happen in this manner, and every time we consume we are telling the producer we agree with their practices, encouraging them to keep going. Buying locally sourced fish is a great way to avoid being in the midst of this mess, as local producers usually have more sustainable practices. Buy Colombian!

  1. Use fewer plastic products 

Every year, about 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean, and that figure is rapidly increasing. Plastic debris contributes to habitat destruction and entangles and kills tens of thousands of marine animals each year. By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. To limit your impact, carry a reusable water bottle, reusable cutlery for those restaurants that only offer disposable plastic ones, and a cloth bag. Make sure to fill up your “Botellas de Amor” and recycle!

  1. Get to know the ocean!

We can’t take care of something we don’t truly appreciate. I invite you to check out the Netflix documentary Our Planet, specifically chapters 4 and 6. Get to know the wonderful marine life that needs our immediate attention. 

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