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The ocean: a humongous ecosystem whose content we don't really know of. Scientists estimate that 95% of the ocean remains unexplored and that 91% of its species are yet to be classified. However, the 5% we know of is something we all marvel at. Dolphins, sharks, otters, sea lions, golden fish, corals: nature is miraculous.

Image by Brian Garrity

Have you ever been on a hike camping with your friends or simply walking? I’m sure you’ve had. Have you ever wondered what is that single thing that makes it a special moment, a moment when you are free from all your responsibilities? Well, let me tell you it’s nature.


We are ruining some of the places we like the most: the beach and the oceans. This is something serious! Probably we are not concerned about this problem, but we are killing ocean species and their environments.

PRAE: Trabajo
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