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Image by Nate Johnston

Biodiversity: The Beauty of our Planet.

By: Miranda Rodriguez 5A

Have you ever been on a hike camping with your friends or simply walking? I’m sure you’ve had. Have you ever wondered what is that single thing that makes it a special moment, a moment when you are free from all your responsibilities? Well, let me tell you -it’s nature. 

Imagine how would you feel if nature wasn’t there while you’re hiking. It wouldn’t feel the same, wouldn’t it? It is something not many people notice, but it’s worth fighting for. 

Nature varies from the largest elephant to the smallest mouse. Without it, nothing would be the same. Can you imagine waking up early in the morning, and not hearing any bird sing? Or going for a walk in your backyard and not finding any trees to sit below or any flower to admire? 

A lot of us don’t even think about this. If we continue following our system, everything we know might be gone in a few years. That paper you threw to the ground or that paper sheet you threw in the trash that could have been used on both sides contribute to nature’s destruction. What would be of our planet without nature?

Every time you throw plastic to the trash it is likely it will end up in the ocean and a turtle will choke. Every time you leave the handwash open, a kid dies from dehydration somewhere. We need to stop letting this happen. What makes us humans is the ability to take care of not only other humans, but also of the entire whole world and other species. If we forget about all of them, they’ll disappear, and we might lose more than we think.

PRAE 2: Texto
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